Saturday, May 24, 2014

"COLLAR" A review by Jack Bateman


      Going into this film I knew very little. I stumbled across an advertisement on Beneath the Underground for the pre-order and instantly knew I wanted it on my shelf. As with most of my purchases there was no research done and nor was there going to be any done. I much prefer to go into these films knowing next to nothing. 
      A man standing dead center. Two small breasted women, dog collared, and chained by his side. Homeless maybe? Well, that would explain the shopping cart, or as we call it in the south, a grocery buggy. That pretty much sums up what I knew about the film. As the release date neared, a trailer appeared on the group of which I found the film. Ever so tempted I clicked on it. Waiting for the trailer to load I felt a weird feeling swamp my stomach. Hit play! Get super excited about it! Come on man! You wanna know more! Come on! Nope! Not gonna happen I told myself, not gonna happen. I am very particular about how I view my movies, and the less I know or can forget by the time I watch the better. 
      Having only seen Gutterballs up to this point I was unsure what to expect. What was this going to be? A very sleazy comedy? Was this just going to be hardcore and nasty? A love story perhaps? With Ryan Nicholson, you never really know what to expect. He is the man behind such underground classics as, "Gutterballs", "Famine", "Hanger", and two of his newest releases, "Dead Nude Girls" and  "More Dead Nude Girls".
      VCR on. Tape in hand. The orange tape. "Collar" snug against the center. Large Clam-shell VHS case closed. I was now ready. Ready to experience that feeling. I was excited. sliding the tape in ever so gently. Waiting for it to close itself in deep. Waiting for the click. Ping! It was now ready. My hand moving quickly over to the play button, pausing just short  of "rolling tape". Bead of sweat rolling silently down my forehead. Praying to the VHS Gods above, "Please oh Please don't eat my mother-fucking tape!" Pressed play.
      After a short intro by writer/director Ryan Nicholson we jump straight into action. I have to point out that the movie really took on a late 80s or early 90s sleaze look. It would be easy work convincing someone that this was actually a early 90s film. It really adds to the tone of the film. I am not sure if they were going for a shot on video feel, but early on I was definitely feeling the SOV vibe. Very dark. the main character is introduced.
      Very impressive he looks. Raggedy and wretched. You could almost smell the dry piss through the television. Emotionless he walked. Every step some how building a little more character with each stride. So far we are about ten minutes into the film and we have a killer I can approve of. His homeless hobo look reminded me much of that of "Derelict" from the Hellraiser films. What happens when you take a sex craved, homicidal, big as all fuck, maniac and let him loose in his own territory? COLLAR! That's what happens. Many characters come to play. Massive is always up for a game of "Flesh by the pound".
      Hi! My name is Massive. I like short walks in my alley home. Piss covered army fatigues. A good gnarly beard. Fresh wood and trash burning in my barrel. Chains. Especially my dog collars! Studded of course! The occasional raping of a thieving prostitute.  And last, but certainly not least, cops! They make for the best of meat, in more ways then just one.
      In the intro of the VHS we are told by Ryan that there is a lot of rape in this film. And boy, he was not lying! Certainly not the most hardcore rape in a film I have ever seen, but some of the realest looking for sure! Each thrust of Massive's hips made me wanna go wash my hands. I can't say I completely loved this one. I did however enjoy myself. The writing could have been a little stronger and a little more character development wouldn't have hurt either. A raunchy, nasty, cum covered, over the top(while still maintaining a real feel) and just out right in your face approach leads me to believe that the cast and crew achieved exactly what they were going for. I have to give credit when credit is due. This one will leave ya needing a shower. As always guys, Stay sick and fucked!
                                                        -Jack Bateman

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